
Mediation and Collaboration

Here to Help . . .

A Better Process 

Divorce is stressful for everyone, but it can be much less painful. Hiring the right person will make all the difference in the world for divorcing individuals, their children, and extended family and friends.

A Better process for ...

  • Preserving privacy, and assets
  • Keeping respect in relationships involved
  • Meeting the needs of all family members
  • Keeping it peaceful, especially for children
  • Reducing stress 
  • Making decisions based on what is important to you
  • Ensuring that you do not suffer from the negative effects caused by divorce

Better Outcome for Everyone Involved

  • Better co-parenting relationships
  • Nuture happier and emotionally healthier kids
  • Ensures that kids feel secure in two homes
  • Honors children’s rights to love both parents and not have to choose sides
  • Develop creative parenting schedules tailored to your unique family 

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Attorney Williams sees potential new clients as soon as possible. Please email to set an appointment for your First Visit.

Attorney Williams charges $100.00 for the First Visit.
Please contact for special offers with regard to your First Visit with Attorney Williams.